Putting the GOP circus aside for a
minute, this primary certainly has given me a lot to consider. With Super
Tuesday just hours away I found myself still weighting the pros and cons of
each of the democratic front-runners.
I have donated to both Hillary and
Bernie. They are close on so many issues including women’s rights to equal pay,
abortion, same sex marriage, affordable higher education, climate change,
social justice, and the economy.
Hillary is more conservative when
it comes to defense and international issues but also has more international exposure,
which can be interpreted as both good and bad thing.
They differ on things like Wall
Street reform and ObamaCare but not divisively. It’s Bernie’s soft stance on
gun control that gives me a bit of pause for doubt.
They agree on campaign finance
reform even as Hillary enjoys more deep pocketed support. Yeah, I feel the Bern
when I see the percentage of super PAC donations to her campaign. I guess it is
something she would need to give up if she had to run for a second term.
At the end of the day I want to
back a candidate with integrity who can muster a broad base of liberal support
to go up against whatever this Republican lunacy churns out. To be honest, it
could be either of them. There is a dilemma the GOP would love to have.
Bernie has the young progressives
in a virtual lock. Hillary draws strong support from women and minority voters.
Both Hillary and Bernie have vulnerabilities
that can be exploited, but the one thing I am confident in is that at the end
of this primary season the Democratic Party will not cannibalize itself the way
Republicans have.
So tomorrow Hillary will get my
vote by a virtual coin toss of my liberal sensibilities. Which speaks to the relative decorum democrats have exhibited during this primary
Lets hope it lasts.
I can only hope that who ever
ultimately gets the Democratic nomination can run a solidly sane campaign right
through the middle of the GOP clowns to victory in November.